The Thumb Files (Shae's Video Blog)

Friday, July 6, 2007

The Storm is Passing Over

Up until now, prayer has been difficult. God feels far-off and I feel tired of reaching for him, but I still make the attempt. There is some wall between us, and I know it has to do with my unresolved friendship.

My first lesson at the HOPE school went very well! I was so happy to teach the "maestros" and see the principles I've been researching come to life. I'm so excited to continue sharing these great methods, and to see how the teachers themselves benefit from the lessons.

After a few more hours, Edgar gave me a ride back to the HOPE office.

Resolution at last! I took a leap of faith and just got open with my friend. Such a relief! I feel like I got my friend back and let go of a big weight at the same time. Now I'm beginning to really enjoy the trip, and all that I can learn and experience here. After our great talk, I climbed the ladder to the roof of the HOPE office and prayed the first deeply connected and hopeful prayer I've prayed in what feels like a long time.

The storm is passing over!

Later that night, I went with Evelin to her brother's house to have dinner with the family. As we pulled out of our driveway, who should I see but 2 LDS gringo missionaries! My window was down as they walked toward my side of the car, so I waved and said "Hola!" and to their amazement, "Hello!" in perfect American dialect. I told them they should stop by sometime, and after some introductions, pointed to which door was mine. Maybe I can have them over for dinner sometime! Gotta feed the missionaries! I must say, being a former LDS member, I felt a sense of home and family at the sight of them. Fellow Americans out to make a difference in a foreign land!

Evelin's family lived about 20 minutes away. Everyone was so warm and welcoming. when we arrived. I had such a great time (my heart really felt free again), and didn't even feel uncomfortable that no one spoke much English. That's the power of being out-of-yourself and loving. Why can't I stay in this zone more often? Well, this trip is going to give me a LOT of opportunity to practice.

Here's to trials that teach us to be more like Christ! Salud!

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