The Thumb Files (Shae's Video Blog)

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Cenar con la familia de Evelyn. was pretty good! I got to go grocery shopping at last, and cleaned up around the house. I felt more at peace in my heart (having time by myself to talk with God or just get organized really helps me) and I felt more and more settled.

¡Gracias por Dios! He's getting me through this somehow.

At night, I went with Evelin and Elizabeth (fui con Evelin y Elizabeth) to her parents' house (a la casa de los papas de Evelin) and had dinner to celebrate her brother's birthday. It was fun to mime for some of the younger family, although part of me did want to go home after a few hours. I was feeling tired and needing some time to prepare for the next week.

Evelin proves to be a constant source of encouragement, as I get open almost nightly about my lonely feelings or struggles. No matter how early she has to work the next morning, she's always ready with an open heart and willing ear.

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