The Thumb Files (Shae's Video Blog)

Sunday, July 29, 2007

¡Ofrenda Especial! (Special Contribution)

I actually felt a little frustrated today, but don't know why. Evelyn and I went shopping again (this woman is INCREDIBLY patient and giving). She treated me to the best waffle cone and pistachio ice cream I've had in Guatemala since Pollo Campero got rid of their pistachio flavored frosty cones (I'm still praying they bring those back before I leave!), and I picked up a lot of things for the household.

I never realized how long cooking and preparation take. It took me 2 hours after getting home to organize what I bought, to cook lunch, and then clean up the mess I made. The good thing is that I have food for the next week or two.

I tried to do laundry, but it always seemed someone beat me to the machine when I went to put my clothes in. Oh! That may be why I was frustrated. And I guess I was tired from all the cleaning.

Oh well! One thing I'm learning here in Guatemala, don't sweat the small stuff. So, I didn't have a lot to choose from as far as church-clothes go--somehow, I ended up being more dressed-up than I'd been since I came to Guatemala. :)

Today was the church's Special Contribution, and of all things, I forgot my camera! It was so cute to see the children's ministry perform a little song and dance, and then give their offering to kick off the rest of the service. The room was decorated with all kinds of "Thank You!" notes and expressions of appreciate from God. I was humbled to see their ministry of older women giving their contribution, which they earned by selling food they made every week before and after church. In fact, they have a little restaurant at the top of the church building that they run to raise money for themselves. It's inspiring, and the food is great! Chadd affectionately coined the place "Betsy King" on our last visit, after Betsy, the older woman who runs the restaurant. She is a peach! I'll have to post a picture of her when I get a chance.

But I digress.

After service, George, Elizabeth, Evelin (2), and I went to a chinese restaurant for dinner. I ordered sweet and sour chicken (SO GOOD) and we all shared some of our plates. I devoured my portion. Something about the pollution in Guatemala City really works up the appetite. Jejeje (Spanish for "hehehe"). George and I had a great, deep talk about relationships, and I was touched by the story of how he and his girlfriend fell in love. Once again, these people's hearts of unconditional love and faithfulness to God is inspiring. I'll have to tell you the story sometime...but I have to go! Talk to you soon!

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