The Thumb Files (Shae's Video Blog)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Slowly on the Road to Recovery

Estoy infermaaaa! (I'm sick...Waaah...)

Friday I woke up with a fever and the dizziness of the flu in full swing. I had to cancel one of my classes with the teachers (I was hoping not to miss any days, but it couldn't be helped) and took the day off to rest and recoop. At night, I felt well enough to go shopping with Evelyn for groceries and necessary household items. Evelyn is so giving! She constantly makes herself available for my needs, and has a wonderful heart about it! I have so much to learn from her example.

I felt a little better after sleeping until 10:30am on Saturday morning, but since Evelyn, Elizabeth, and I were encouraging some brothers that night, I spent the rest of the day getting things prepared (at a slower pace, since I was still feeling a bit groggy). I took some medicine and felt better by the end of the night when we had our date. It was great! My mom sent me her lauded recipe for "Porcupines" which were ground beef meatballs covered with rice and a red sauce with Worcestershire sauce (did I spell that right?), and creamy mashed potatoes on the side. Everyone LOVED the food, and I was glad to share a taste of American cuisine with my Guatemalan friends. The missionaries (Elder Moore and Elder Pollock) stopped by during our dinner to see if I got their invite to a church event celebrating "Pioneer Day." I told them that I appreciated their warm invitations, and communicated more clearly my intentions for having them over. (Not to return to the LDS church, but to share kindness, and hopefully tell them more about my story.) They understood, and reiterated that I was always welcome, regardless. I thanked them, then set a tentative night when I could have them over for dinner. (I plan on serving the same dish I did for the date--it was such a hit! And I bet they're hankering for some home-cooking from their homeland, huh?)

Let me tell you more about the date! It was really fun. After dinner and reillanitos for dessert, we played some Poker, and it eventually became date against date between Evelyn, her date, and me and Quincho (my date, who happens to speak a little English, thankfully.) We won! Woohoo! Oh...hehehe...

To top off the night, we all went up to the roof and sang songs to God to the off-tune sounds of my guitar. (But first, the guys gave us a lovely rendition of "La Bamba.") Elizabeth's date, Jerardo, also plays guitar, so he busted out some songs I didn't know, and everyone sang along while I kept beat on an upturned pot I'd been sitting on. Good times, but the night air started to get to me. I was feeling worse.

After Elizabeth and Jerardo prayed, the guys encouraged each of their dates in turn, and we ended the date feeling uplifted and encouraged. We said goodnight and the guys helped Quincho down the stairs (one of his legs doesn't work, so we walks on crutches). What a great guy, he is, and such a big heart! Definitely like a big-brother for me here in Guatemala.

Once the guys had left, I started to get ready for bed, but Elizabeth put on one of the movies we rented for the date (but didn't watch), and I got hooked. I stayed up until 1am just to finish "In America," which I must say is a great movie. Bad idea, though. I felt the germs celebrating.

So, it's no surprise that I woke up feeling sick again, and won't be going to church or to Edgar's children's birthday party later. So, I'm sitting here at home, trying to recoop completely so I can give my lesson tomorrow for the teachers. I can't miss another one! There are too few as it is.

I guess I should be laying in bed trying to sleep...huh? You were thinking that, weren't you! Okay, fine...I'll try to rest. Talk to you later!

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