The Thumb Files (Shae's Video Blog)

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Quality Time con Elizabeth

A pretty kick-back day. The two Evelyns went to a wedding rehearsal while I stayed home with Elizabeth. We had a really great talk, continuing a conversation we'd had last week after the date, regarding hurt and fears keeping us from showing more love to men in the church. Elizabeth hadn't been on a date in 1 and 1/2 years! It was 2 years since she had been asked by any of the Christian men, and she only felt that she had 1 real friendship with a guy in the church. I told her about the plan Evelyn and I had to host an encouragement night at our house, so that the brothers would have more opportunity to invite sisters out on a date (not just ones they liked), then we talked about our responsibility as Christian women to love our brothers in the faith. We decided to challenge ourselves by praying about one brother to give our hearts to unconditionally, without any expectation, and for the sole purpose of encouraging him and helping him feel God's love through us.

We prayed that night by candlelight, after watching some TV together and sewing some patches on our couches in cute shapes to cover up the holes that had grown from frequent use. Overall, it was a very fun, bonding night, just the two of us.

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