The Thumb Files (Shae's Video Blog)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

More Fun in the Kitchen

¡Divertido en la cocina! I learned how to cook some sopa de vegetales (some vegetables I'm not sure if I can get in the States, like "wiskil"), and helped make tortillas from scratch. Very educational! I REALLY want to learn to make reillanitos and mole con platanos, but they promised that would come in the following week. I hope I can duplicate these dishes. Sooo goood...

Work was good, and I'm trying to learn new concepts in Spanish every chance I can on the internet, where there are tons of resources. My next goal is to make a list of ideas from my book that the teachers can continue to draw from after I leave, but I'll have to translate them before I leave.

I had a greeeat talk with Estuardo, who is becoming an even closer friend as the days go by, almost like the fraternal twin brother I never had. We're very comfortable giving each other a hard time, but that's just the way siblings show love, right? Hehehe, we know it's all in fun, and it's nice to feel comfortable being myself. In fact, that's one of the things he talked to me about--being myself more. Sometimes, depending on the situation, I change my behavior without realizing it. Maybe it's a pattern of self-protection from my childhood. Whatever it is, it's good to be aware of it more so that I can change it.

I really want to be myself with everyone I meet, without pretense or masks. It's scary to think about, but I know that's how Jesus must have been: genuine and whole-hearted.

Tonight, I felt really emotional, because I read some emails from home that made me realize how much I missed everyone. I feel like I'm missing out on some great memories with my friends back home, but I knew that would be one of the costs of coming here, and I try to console myself with the fact that there will be more opportunites to build memories when I return. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything! Even the experience of being more grateful for what I have back in the States.

I think my wander-lust is begining to fade, though I still want to travel...I'm beginning to see the value in having a base...a home. And there are so many resources in America that I'm beginning to appreciate more and more. There are also many things about America I don't like, but maybe that's what I need to try to change, to make a difference in my country, my home.

I'm eating a lot more than I usually do--partly because of the culture, partly the types of food (very heavy), and partly the way I escape from unconscious emotions. I think I've gained a little weight, and I feel less energized. I've got to change my habits, but it's been a bit of a challenge. Some of the food is SO GOOD. ;)

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