The Thumb Files (Shae's Video Blog)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Una Cita de Tourismo

Another fun day of tourist activity! Gelion and another sister came to pick me up, and after getting Anghel, we headed for Tekpan (I hope that’s spelled right). It was great. So beautiful! It was actually the same road we took to Panahachel, so after about a 2 hour drive, we arrived to have breakfast at a quaint little restaurant in the hills. Rincón Suizo, I think is the name. Anyway, they had the cutest little hot-chocolate mugs. Mmm, so good…

After a stout breakfast, we headed to La Ciudad de Iximché. These are some ancient ruins in Guatemala, though aren’t as well defined or grandiose as Tikal. I’m really hoping to go there before the end of my trip. Actually, I mentioned it in the car on the way here, and Anghel said we could go if I wanted, as long as I paid for his hotels and bus tickets. I think it’s the only way I’ll get to go, because there’s no way I’m going alone, and no one else but Anghel can take the time off work or can speak enough English to communicate with me.

Anyway, back to the date. We really enjoyed all the rolling green hills of Iximché, and entertained ourselves like clowns by attempting walking-handstands, and climbing impossible trees. Yes, it’s true, my foot got stuck on the way up the tree, and I had to get pushed out by Gelion, boosted by Anghel. I’ll have to show you the footage. Embarrassingly funny! I had a great time.

After Iximché, which I was able to get in for the same cost as a Guatemalan (the ticket-taker was being very generous), we drove to Antigua. Once we were there, Gelion let me drive his car into the main city, to the mock-horror of the other passengers. Hehehe, so much fun! He was being very trusting, since I didn’t have my license with me and had never driven in Guatemala. It wasn’t so difficult, and it was a treat for me!

What else…hmm. We walked around Antigua (which is one of the older, quaint cities in Guatemala) and got some helado de fruta (fruit popcycles), then headed back towards Guatemala City. We stopped at a really cute restaurant on the way, and had some interesting Mayan drink called Atol de Helote…err…yeah, I think. Tasted like hot and creamy corn soup! Mmm. Really good. I shouldn’t have, but I ordered some móle de platano afterwards. It wasn’t as good as the móle Margarita made at Comenzano. ;)

We were all sogged out and ready for our beds by the end of the date, and I got home around 6:30pm. It was a lot of fun, and a great experience of the country. I’m really grateful for the hearts of the brothers I’ve met here. Even though Gelion and Anghel don’t speak much English, they still felt comfortable giving to me, and amazingly enough, we were able to communicate effectively and have a good time.

Well, that’s all for now! !Adios por ahora!

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