The Thumb Files (Shae's Video Blog)

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Una Bida (A Wedding)

August 4th, 2007 (Saturday)

Today, it has been 6 years and 6 months since I became a Christian. I had an incredible time of prayer in the fresh morning, gazing at the clouds as they shifted and danced in the sunlight. It had rained during the night. I love the smell after it rains...

Later in the afternoon, after some much-needed down time, Evelyn picked me up with the girls to go to the wedding happening at 3pm. It was nice to see a wedding from a different country and culture. It was similar in tradition to ours (lighting the unity candle, having special songs sung, exchanging the vows and rings, etc.), but it was about 2 hours long. Whew. There were about 5 or 6 special songs sung to the bride and groom by friends, and a few more played over speakers. I'm sure they were just building the anticipation...hehehe.

Anyway, it was fun, and afterwards, we all crowded downstairs to pig out on mini keish and other assorted finger foods. There was a toast with champaign, and of course, the tossing of the bouquet...

I CAUGHT IT!! Not just once, but TWICE (I guess they throw it three times in Guatemala.) So, it sailed right to me the first time, the second time it hit the ceiling and a little girl picked it up, and the third time it came right to me again. All I had to do was snatch it out of the air. If that's not fate, I don't know what is... Well, either fate or the fact that I was a good 4 or 5 inches taller than everyone else. Muah ha ha. STILL...I've never caught the bouquet before, and this had a special significance to me in light of some specific prayers I had this morning about my future. My awe of God soared to a new level.

After three pieces of wedding cake (oink oink! What?...they were smallish-like slices!), the roomies and I went out with some of the guys to a quaint little street filled with art and knick-knack booths, and bistro-type cafes and restaurants. I ordered Tres Leches, which is a type of cake soaked in sweet milk (okay, I had a major sweet tooth tonight), and had a good time talking with everyone and laughing about whatever silly things came up in the conversation. I met a few more people who spoke some English, so that was nice. I think I'm learning to enjoy myself more with others!

And to think I was considering staying home today to rest. Thank you, Evelyn, for humorously rebuking me for "resting too much."

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