The Thumb Files (Shae's Video Blog)

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Holé Mole

MOLE Day! I think that’s how you spell it. Móle? Aaaaanyway… Check out the video recipe! Maybe you can try it at home. I know I’m going to, hehehe. Oh, and Happy Birthday, Lloyd!

Tonight, Nancy and her daughter Christine came in, and I felt great talking freely in my own language! Christine is 17, and she and I hit it off. It was weird seeing a bit of my country and culture this close, after 5 weeks in a foreign land, but it was refreshing, too.

Though I was tired, I felt that the arrival of these guests called the best out of me, and I denied myself to bond and connect with Nancy and Christine. It was a good decision, and I realized I needed to make similar choices more often throughout my trip, not just for new arrivals or strangers I wanted to impress. Ugh, this trip is definitely revealing some ugly things in my character, but it’s worth it if I can let go of them and let God change me.

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