The Thumb Files (Shae's Video Blog)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Panahachel, here I come!

WOOHOO! My first real tourist trip since I came back to Guatemala. I found out this Friday morning that Edgar wouldn’t be able to take me to the school, since he was taking Nancy and her family to Panahachel for some sight-seeing. Well, since my lessons depend on my equipment, and since I can’t bring my equipment to the school by bus (not safe), I accepted Nancy’s invitation to come with them. After all, I hadn’t done any real touristy things since I got here, and the opportunities were rare.

It was fun! Edgar and his family came (his wife, Alma, and two children, Pablo and Kamila), as well as Nancy’s son, Calvin. After a 4 hour drive, we got to cross the lake from Panahachel to a little barrio called San Pedro, where we bartered (regatear) for souvenirs and other things. I feel bad sometimes, because I get really good prices…maybe too good. I bought a hammock for almost half the price they asked for it. It’s not one of those cheap kinds, either, but hand-made. Poor Guatemalans… Must be the Jewish blood in me…hehehe.

Next time I’ll try to be a little more generous.

We crossed the lake again to return to the main city, and continued shopping, though I didn’t buy much afterwards. I did help Christine with her bartering, though, which she appreciated, since it saved her about a third of the cost.

Whew, I’m tired. The drive back home was quiet, since most of the group was sleeping. We finally stopped at McDonalds at around 11pm (I just felt like going straight home) to have dinner, and then finally got home around 12am.

Time to hit the sack. I’m in Evelyn Ramirez’ bed tonight, since Nancy and Christine are in mine and Evelyn Guitierrez’s. ¡Buenas noches!

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